Stores, Inc., is a customer lifestyle-driven specialty discount
retailer based in Green Bay, Wis., focusing on dominating
targeted categories of business. ShopKo Stores are located
primarily in mid-sized and larger communities. The company
employs 20,000 people in 147 locations in 17 states. In
1999, it posted annual sales of $2.6 million.
Retek Training Needs
Stores implemented Retek RMS in five phases: Foundations,
Merchandise Hierarchy, Pricing, Merchandise Acquisition,
and Perpetual Inventory, starting in 1994. The entire implementation
process was planned to take 4 years. The system was modified
greatly from the standard Retek offering.
audiences included: Buyers, Buyer's Support, Replenishers,
Merchandise Planners, DC Supervisors, DC Clerical, Return
Center Supervisors, Return Center clerical, Accounts Payable,
IS Help Desk, and Store Teammates. These full- and part-time
employees work at 152 locations that include corporate offices,
distribution centers and transportation facilities.
ShopKo was in its fifth year of its Retek implementation
plan, it tackled a phase that posed the greatest challenge
to the company: Retek's Merchandise Acquisition. Also rapidly
approaching was ShopKo's Y2K compliance deadline. Additionally,
though ShopKo is a centralized organization, there were
no consistent business processes across the company. Retek
was going to change all of that, and the company needed
to be ready on many fronts.
TEC Services and Products Delivered
worked with ShopKo from the Conference Room Pilot forward.
For the first several phases, TEC actually developed much
of the documentation and training tools to support Retek
training. TEC also trained ShopKo trainers to use documentation
templates and develop training tools. To help prepare
ShopKo for the significant changes in the final phases,
TEC helped ShopKo define many key business processes.
materials created by TEC included:
also delivered Train-the-Trainer sessions to the ShopKo
Training team, DC Supervisors, and the Return Center Supervisors.
TEC met or exceeded every scheduled deadline for documentation
and training materials.
ShopKo Stores had a successful RETEK Phase 4 go-live in
January 1999!